OF The

1 March 1972

(Senate Minute pages: 714-729)

Meeting No. 62 was called to order on Wednesday March 1, 1972 at 7:05 p.m. in the Faculty Lounge by President W.E. Barstow.

The roster was checked by the Secretary. Twenty-four members were present. Absent were: Bredekamp (AL), DelliQuadri (AL), Meteer (FF), President Smith, Spain (BL), Velics (LB), and Williams (CH).

The Minutes of Meeting No. 61 were approved.

Senate President's Report

  1. The President welcomed the new student member, Karl Johnson.

  2. The Secretary read a letter from J.A. Romig, Secretary of the Board of Control, approving Senate Proposal 9-71, "Constitutional Amendment to Provide Student Representation" (see p. 665).

  3. J. Spain has been appointed to the Curricular Policy Committee.

  4. The Ad Hoc Instructional Evaluation Committee has been appointed with the charge of reviewing the practices of instructional evaluation at Michigan Tech with a view to specifying the purposes and augmenting the effectiveness of the function. The membership is as follows: R. Liba, Chairman; K. Johnson, S. Nordeng, and H. Sachs.

Report on Meetings of the Academic Council and Board of Control

  1. Halkola reported on the last three meetings of the Academic Council. His report is included here as Appendix A (Available by Request from the Senate Office).

  2. There was no report on the Board of Control meetings.

Committee Reports

A. Curricular Policy Committee:

Weaver introduced the revised version of Proposal 1-72, Inter-Curricular Transfer Students (see p. 713), by moving that it be adopted. The motion was seconded. Following a brief discussion of the changes made from the original proposal (page 696), the motion carried by a show of hands.

Weaver then introduced Proposal 4-72, Baccalaureate Credit for Associate Degree Courses, and Proposal 5-72, Transfer of Baccalaureate Credit Earned in Associate Degree Program. These proposals will be considered at the next meeting.


B. Instructional Policy

Halkola reported that the subject of requiring written permission for adds, drops, course withdrawals, etc. had been brought to the committee. Students have expressed some dissatisfaction with the current procedures. He stated that this seemed to be an "instructional policy" concern, and in the absence of any objection from the Senate, the committee would so consider it. No objections were raised.


C. Academic Calendar :

Stebler submitted an interim report to indicate the direction of the committee's deliberations (See Appendix C - Available by Request from the Senate Office). He stated that one or more proposals would be formally presented for consideration at the next Senate meeting. He also stated that anyone who had any comments concerning the matter should feel free to make them on the Senate floor or to bring them up to any member of the committee. Following a brief discussion President Barstow accepted the report and directed the Secretary to forward a copy to President Smith


D. Accommodations: No Report.


E. Joint Faculty Association: No Report.


F. Promotional Policy

Crowther introduced Proposal 6-72, Promotion Policy and Procedures. This proposal will be considered at the next meeting.

G. ROTC Review:

Thayer moved the adoption of Proposal 3-72, Academic Credit for R.O.T.C. (See page 707). The motion was seconded, and a lengthy discussion followed. Several Senators expressed displeasure and opposition to the proposal. Some question was raised concerning the interpretation of the proposal in specific cases particularly the meaning of the phrase "may be applied." The consensus of the supporters of the proposal was that this would require all baccalaureate degree programs to accept at least six credits (presumably in the free elective area) in ROTC toward the degree. The motion carried by a vote of 15 Yes, 5 No.


H. Sick Leave:

Keeling reported on the disappointing turnout at the open meetings held in January. He stated that a formal proposal was still being discussed.



Old Business - None


New Business and Voluntary Remarks

Keeling moved that a Faculty Senate Committee be formed for the purpose of studying University-wide effects of proposed curriculum revisions. In particular, the committee should concern itself with effects on students desiring to change majors and on the utilization of faculty and facilities outside the academic unit proposing the changes. This committee would necessarily coordinate its efforts with those of the University Curriculum Committee but would report and make recommendations for action to the Senate.

The question was raised as to whether this was really Curricular Policy business. The need for guidelines was discussed. Horvath then moved that the motion be amended as follows: Replace "studying" in the first sentence by "proposing policy concerning." The amendment was seconded. Halkola then moved that the amendment be amended so that the first sentence would read: "That a Faculty Senate Committee be formed for the purpose of reviewing current policy and proposing new policy where appropriate concerning University-wide effects of proposed curriculum revisions."

The amendment was acceptable to the parties concerned. In the discussion which followed, Horvath expressed his concern that the Senate not appoint this committee with a charge to review current proposed curriculum revisions. He stated that such a charge would in itself constitute policy and not internal Senate business. Following a discussion the amendment was approved. The amended motion then carried by a show of hands.

Vandette then questioned the fact that the Public Services Division is not represented on the Senate. He pointed out that the division employs faculty and is responsible for such things as evening classes. Following a discussion, President Barstow pointed out that the Public Services Division is not presently represented on the Senate but that any member of the Senate has the right to propose such representation to the Senate.

President Barstow then discharged the Accommodations and ROTC Review Committees.

The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 pm.


R.S. Horvath